In 2006 my wife and I and a few friends did a Road Trip from Quebec to Alberta. On the drive home we decided to stop at the Niagara of the North Kakabeka Falls in the municipality of Oliver Paipoonge, Ontario.
It is quite a beautiful sight. Each cliff side is composed of shale and it quite fragile. Amazingly it contains some of the oldest recorded fossils. Some date as far back as 1.6 Billion years.
The falls themselves have an interesting legend to go along with them. The legend of Green Mantle states that an Ojibwe chief knew of an attack coming from the Sioux tribe. He asks his daughter Princess Green Mantle to figure out a way to protect her tribe. She entered the Sioux camp pretending to be lost. She bargained with her captives, promising to lead them to her father's camp. Placed at the head of their canoe convoy she gave directions down river. She lead them straight over the falls, sacrificing herself to save her people. There are different variations, but that is the jist of it.
Kakabeka Falls is a wonderful part of Ontario's geography, I recommend you visit it. If you would like a memento of this captivating place as a gift for your loved one I suggest that you go to Earth Claim and purchase a virtual deed for them. It would make the perfect last minute Christmas gift. Give it a shot.